ICE Agent Decides He Wants Kids After Seeing Incredible Love And Devotion Of Parents Begging Him Not To Take Their Child… [image or embed] — The Onion ( January 31, 2025 at 11:00 AM At The Onion, ICE agents protest the brutal conditions as they are forced to stand for hours outside the homes…
We began a twist-and-shout Trump start with a memo from the Office of Management and Budget announcing a Trump freeze on all freezable programs (veterans, food for little kids, health programs, schools, hospitals, shelters, air safety, and most anything for seniors) followed by a court ruling that Trump couldn’t freeze everything unilaterally (No you can’t!!) followed by an administration…
Whyever did Musk go all Dr. Strangelove? Mainstream press, trying to be balanced, write off the Nazi salute as unintentional, the awkward misstep of over-enthusiasm. But twice? Let’s shake it off for a moment (Sheesh!) and go to our tried‑and‑true sources of internet wisdom: Hackwhackers lists a few social media posts about the inauguration, beginning…
Our renewed Blogging Council of Wisdom speaks: Missed during my respite for court prep: SilverAppleQueen is not unhappy bidding goodbye to 2024, and is not discouraged about 2025. Amid Trump, California conflagration, and Middle East war, death, and peace possibilities, we are reminded of the significance of one: Max’s Dad provides a solid summary of…
I will be traveling to Maryland tomorrow ahead of a court appearance. I was assaulted last year on a parking lot by a stranger. Part of one arm is now made of metal. Sentencing for the troubled teenager is scheduled for January 10. I will be meeting with authorities and preparing a Victim Impact Statement. I…
From Jason Robinson on Mastodon: The seasonal Truth is not seasonal: More from this week’s internet elves: Professor PZ Myers is handicapped in keeping his published studies of arachnological sex practices interesting because spiders have a more boring level of morality than Matt Gaetz. In Letters from an American, historian Heather Cox Richardson reviews the…
From James Capener: Let’s spend a bit of the season with internet companions: In Happiness Between Tails da-AL lists some of what she has learned this year about things like reading preferences, super powers, and Vicuñas. Shamelessly stolen from Happiness Between Tails: Key invitation: What did you learn this year? Author John Scalzi notices a…
From Jesse Gamboa on TikTok: Let’s hike up Wisdom Mountain to our internet gurus: Journalist Brian Beutler is interviewed in podcast by Greg Sargent for The New Republic. Brian reviews reports of Trump’s dark rage toward those he regards as “traitors”, his darker plans for 2025, and suggests that Democrats still can do more than…
Important Contact Information: Wisdom from our internet heroes: driftglass examines reasons Democrats often lose unexpectedly: too soft, too willing to compromise, not ruthless enough. Key middling: Breaking off bigger and bigger pieces of the promises you made to the people who actually support you, and feeding those pieces to the ghouls who hate you. At…
Trump gets a reminder: Obey Putin or stay away from tall buildings. Holy sh*t. In a speech, Putin suggests Trump might not finish his term alive: “Trump is not even safe now, but I hope he is a smart and cautious person,” — Putin In Putin’s doublespeak, this could be a threat. [image or embed]…