Click for Radio Podcast: Seven Silent Football Games (5:04) The concussive violence of football, the long term damage to players, was never in the national consciousness in those days. Back when I was a kid, such thoughts never intruded. We had no idea. There is something about football crowds. I’m not sure exactly what it…
The New Zealand parliament was about to pass a new law diminishing the rights of indigenous Māori people. Then this: For the moment, the bill is no more. Just in case, by some cosmic miracle, we ever meet and I accidentally do something of which she disapproves, I'd like, right now, to apologize in advance.…
Many of us can relate to personal mourning from personal experience: @whiskeywhistle98 gets serious, wondering how even God will explain the loss of a loved one: Wisdom from our usual internet gurus: As many of us honored Veterans this week, libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara explains who the real heroes are: Not those who put themselves in the…
Dick Tuck was a political prankster before Watergate, way back when pranksterism was funny and kind of cool. Watergate changed all that as so‑called pranksters went to political dirty tricks, sabotage, vote stealing, illegality, and frequent prison terms. Back in more innocent days, Tuck was late to a 1966 strategy meeting and discovered he had…
Patriots must mourn a rejection of national ideals. How can we give thanks in this coming season of Thanksgiving? History’s quiet heroes provide one answer. As with many of my friends, the election of Mr. Trump, the ascension of those who conducted the most divisive and xenophobic campaign of my lifetime, has left me shaken.…
It wasn’t as if there was no warning before that Madness Square rallyesque event: Well… …combining coarse racism with bin Laden 9/11 attack Twin Tower playfulness might have been less than side‑splitting. tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors has a few bullet points of election news, and some worthy advice on how to know your ballot is counted.…
1787 – Constitution gets written (Yay-y-y-y-y) (Celebration!!) 1791 – Objection: We can’t ratify this!! Some gawdawful authoritarian jerk is gonna say we don’t have some basic right we forgot to directly list. And it’s impractical to list everything! NO NO NO!!! 1791 – Answer: No problem. We’ll add an amendment that says any rights we…
Sha’Carri Richardson, the fastest woman in the world, accepts a 4-year-old girl’s challenge to a race ❤️ — Women Posting W’s (@womenpostingws) August 12, 2024 Infidel753 confesses to speculation, but with evidence and logic, anticipating a blue wave. Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger has the numbers to demonstrate the Harris secret power Trump didn’t expect.…
The blog had been my favorite hobby since 2008.Several hundred viewers seemed to like it. Then, suddenly, everyone including me got this: The host provider, Bluehost, said someone had accessed the site and planted malware. Dozens of files were corrupted, and dangerous to access.What seems to be a burgeoning fun activity from the basements of…
If you’re going to defend this terrible holdover, defend it for the single reason, the monstrous reason, some delegates demanded it and others acquiesced. It is available, documented in the the original words of the founders, as recorded by those who were there. Matt Christiansen writes and records prolifically. I find him entertaining as hell.…